
Greg “Geese” Giesen

Master Storyteller, Author, Speaker, Coach


Journey to Self helps people take risks, resolve conflicts, increase confidence, communicate more effectively, work better as a team, show vulnerability, express feelings…

Life Coaching

Brief introduction of Life Coaching


Journey to Self will grab you right from the beginning and pull you through a cascade of experiences—whether clinging to the rails of a sailboat in a violent storm, handling conflict between team members on the side of a 14,429 ft. peak, collapsing at mile-20 of a marathon, or sitting at the bedside of a dying parent.

In this inspirational collection of stories, Geese takes you with him on a journey through experiences that touched, challenged, scared, comforted, and changed him forever. Whether you are looking for greater motivation, thinking about writing your own story or searching for greater meaning in your life, you’ll find it here. This book will make you laugh, cry, reflect, and in the end, will inspire change.

About Geese

Greg “Geese” Giesen is a master storyteller, author, speaker, coach, and student of life. His vast experience includes executive and employee coaching, management training, conflict mediation, college professor, team builder, keynote speaker, soccer coach, radio talk show host, and team intervention specialist. He is the award-winning author of Mondays At 3: A Story for Managers Learning to Lead, and he continues to provide life coaching for clients across the country. Geese lives in St. Petersburg, FL where he remains active walking, kayaking, biking, golfing, or toasting the sunset from his waterfront balcony. He is also involved with the Academy of Senior Professionals at Eckerd College and enjoys time every summer in Boulder, Colorado for his annual solo retreat.


Solving Micromanagement

Solving Micromanagement

Dear Geese, Per your request, can you tell us how to know if we have micromanager tendencies…and what to do if we’re either the micromanager or the one being micromanaged? – Michael from Baltimore Dear Michael, Thanks for the follow-up question. Let’s start with a...

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Tuckman Tweaked: A Revised Model of Group Development

Tuckman Tweaked: A Revised Model of Group Development

If you’ve ever taken a class or read a book on team development, you’re probably familiar with Tuckman’s stages of group development: forming, storming, norming, and performing (Smith 2005). According to this model, successful teams move through stages of group...

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A Silent Cry

A Silent Cry

I arrived home that evening around 7:30 p.m. I had just come from a two-and-a-half-hour meeting at the college and was really exhausted. The only thing on my mind was to hit the sack and sleep forever and ever, or in this case, until my obnoxious alarm wakes me up in...

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