


Geese has been coaching for over 35 years. This includes executive coaching, management coaching, employee coaching, team coaching, personal growth coaching and life coaching. Are you impressed yet? LOL. Try a complimentary 30-minute life coaching session and see what you think. 


If you’d like Geese to come speak to your group or organization about It’s All About Me, send him a message on the Contact page from this website or email him directly at [email protected].

Let’s talk about coaching…

Coaching is a collaborative process between the coach and client around a desired area of growth. Rather than giving advice, a coach gathers information by probing and asking questions from a place of curiosity and non-judgment. Using this approach, the client begins to see their situation with greater objectivity and clarity, thanks in part to this interactive process. Coaches believe that their clients hold the answers to most of their concerns within themselves, and their role is simply to draw that out. Together, pathways to new ways of being in the world are developed.