
Mondays at 3

Mondays At 3 is a story about the transformation of a newly promoted manager, Justin O’Brien, who is neither ready nor prepared to take on the position that was surprisingly given to him. Faced with a disgruntled department, an absentee boss, and essentially no management experience whatsoever, Justin suddenly finds himself very alone as captain of what is quickly becoming a sinking ship.

Then, just as things go from bad to worse, Justin’s fate changes as he accidentally discovers a daily advice column in the local newspaper called, Ask Dr. Mac, written by a management guru of the same name.

Partly out of desperation and partly out of curiosity, Justin, using the alias of Desperate Dave, begins submitting many of his newly created management problems to the Dr. Mac in hopes of receiving some kind of guidance.

To Justin’s surprise and delight, Dr. Mac takes a personal interest in him and his letters and their correspondence turns into a friendship that reveals to him the secrets of leadership that changes his life around.

About Geese

Greg “Geese” Giesen is a master storyteller, author, speaker, coach, and student of life. His vast experience includes executive and employee coaching, management training, conflict mediation, college professor, team builder, keynote speaker, soccer coach, radio talk show host, and team intervention specialist. He is the award-winning author of Mondays At 3: A Story for Managers Learning to Lead, and he continues to provide life coaching for clients across the country. Geese lives in St. Petersburg, FL where he remains active walking, kayaking, biking, golfing, or toasting the sunset from his waterfront balcony. He is also involved with the Academy of Senior Professionals at Eckerd College and enjoys time every summer in Boulder, Colorado for his annual solo retreat.


This book is a great help to anyone who is new to the supervisor position having come up through the ranks.
~Sarah D.

The Goodreads summary says the plot very well. The book really is that interesting! The reader will meet Justin right in the beginning of the book…the reader will also see that Justin is having a hard time adjusting to the job that literally fell into his lap. He doesn’t feel as if he is good enough or knows what he is doing. In a last bid for performing better at his job, Justin writes in to an advice column. Dr. Mac answers and has a fair amount of wisdom, particularly in management and leadership, to impart. Through their question and answer correspondence, they become fast friends and Justin learns far more than he ever hope to know.

Justin is a good character. The author makes him far from infallible, he is very flawed; however, that quality makes him a more likable and dynamic character than if he’d been great at his job right off the bat. Dr. Mac, as the voice of wisdom, speaks to the reader through Justin in some ways; if the reader is lucky and pays attention, he/she will come away from the book with some lessons as well. This book was interesting, the reader can expect to be kept busy turning the pages. The book would be perfect for adults.

*complimentary review copy provided, this does not affect my opinion in any way*


Awesome read, we read this as a large group at work and everyone enjoyed it! I highly recommend it for any mananger/supervisor!

What a great read! I would recommend this book to anyone who is in management or has to work with people period! A quick read packed with relatable “how NOT to” circumstances and humor.

Some people may think of this as “hokey”. However, the format of the story was easy to listen as I drove around during my working days. (I bought this on Audible.) The advice and understand the meaning of the advice has been more of a help than I originally believed it would. I find myself stopping and thinking through more. Thinking of questions that I could ask myself before responding or making rash decisions. It is not easy but it was not told in this story as an easy task. I have begun my own manager’s journal because of this book and have begun to learn in just these few short days since the purchase of this book. Thank you.
~Audine Rathbun